Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Subordinating Second Mortgages

Author: Jeff Livingston

Homeowners often decide to refinance their first or senior mortgage on their home to take advantage of a low interest rate climate or other attractive loan terms. In this case, the second mortgages on these homes may be paid off, included in the refinance plan or subordinated.

What is subordination?
Subordination refers to a process by which second mortgages continue to remain in second place or as a junior lien when the original first mortgage is replaced / refinanced with a new one. This means that the lender of this mortgage will still come only second in line in case the borrower defaults and the property has to be foreclosed to repay debts.
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Normally, when a home buyer buys a house, he takes a loan to cover the major portion of the home value through a mortgage that becomes the first or senior mortgage. A second mortgage may be taken at a later date either to avoid PMI or to cover other expenses. When the borrower decides to refinance his first mortgage, the second automatically takes its place to become the primary mortgage. This happens because this second loan originated before the most recent once, that is taken to replace the first mortgage.
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The borrower may wish to keep his second mortgage in status quo position as a secondary lien on the house. To do this, he subordinates the second mortgage.

Advantages of Subordination
Borrowers opt for subordination to take advantage of the benefits it offers.
  • The second loan remains untouched so that the new first mortgage amount can be a lower amount resulting in smaller debt. When the borrower is refinancing into a cheaper or longer loan because he could not afford the original one, this is very beneficial. By subordinating the second mortgage, the borrower avoids having to pay it off or include that amount in the new refinance loan.
  • If the second mortgage is a HELOC, and the entire line of credit has not yet been utilized, subordinating it gives cost savings. The borrower can still continue to use the same loan rather than incur closing costs on it and processing costs on a new one.
Subordination process
Following the many cases of default during the recession, lenders, especially banks, are now very cautious about refinancing housing loans. Your refinance lender may insist that you subordinate your second mortgage. In this case you will have to notify your second mortgage lender and get his acceptance. When you want to opt for subordination for other reasons, it is legally required to be approved by the first lender.
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The process begins with your sending the subordination agreement to the second lender and getting it signed by him. This acceptance has to be passed on to your new first mortgage lender so that the new loan process is completed.

Although it is not a complex process to subordinate second mortgages, it can be time consuming. Eliminate any possible delays by making sure that you intimate your second lender of your intention well in advance. Some lenders may refuse to sign the documents citing depreciation on home value or other reasons. In such cases, you will have ample time to look for a new second mortgage or negotiate with the lender provided you give an advance intimation.

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For more information on second mortgage or mortgage lenders, contact Canadian Mortgages Inc.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Advantage Of Mortgage Training

Author: Jane Nathalie Paige

This is good news for many but for some can lead to confusing encounters with mortgage brokers and serious sharks along the way.

If you would like a few very convenient advice when it comes to getting a mortgage, then you are at the right place. The nitty-gritty of mortgage training is as follows. First of all, avoid lenders that are encouraging you to take a loan for more money than you are comfortable repaying. Foreclosures are at a record high when it comes to the mortgage industry at the moment because of predatory lending practice on behalf of some mortgage brokers. These practices include convincing people to borrow more money than they could rationally hope to pay over time and have any quality of life as well as convincing homebuyers to take out changeable rate mortgages in the beginning in order to procure lower rates.
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Shop around before you decide to buy mortgages. This doesn't mean to actually apply for mortgages all over town but do the investigation and compare rates before applying with any single company. Talk to several different brokers and find out what they have to offer you that the other company down the road cannot or will not offer. Keep in mind that mortgage companies will offer everything under the sun from free toasters to free vacations in order to get you to go with their company. The proof is in the terms however. It is simply not worth that free toaster if you are going to end up paying a 6.9% interest rate instead of a 5.9% rate. You will have paid for that toaster many times over in the process of paying the mortgage.
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If there is a predicament with the mortgage company for the specific property you want do not hesitate to change in order to get the property you long for than allowing the mortgage company to dictate what kind of property you can buy.
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In all honesty, it is nearly impossible to buy a property in this day and age without taking out a mortgage. It is best however if you see the process as a learning experience rather than an hopeless lesson in intimidation. This is your property and your money that will be spent.

Undergo mortgage training to be an educated real estate investor. Go to

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Monday, January 24, 2011

Reduce Uncertainty With Mortgage Life Insurance

Author: Keith George

There is uncertainty in life and insurance is designed to reduce the burden of this uncertainty. Obviously, for your family, no amount of money could possibly replace you. However, consider the financial implications if something were to happen to you. Then a mortgage life insurance is a life insurance designed to help assure that, in the event of your death, your family can remain in the house they love.

Mortgage life insurance can help care for your family´s financial situation by paying off the outstanding balance of the mortgage on your home with a cash sum should you die before the end of the term of your policy. The level of coverage decreases in line with a standard repayment mortgage, so you are only paying for the life cover you require.
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And you choose the amount of cover and the length of time you need the cover to last and your monthly payment will stay the same until the end of the plan.

What does these mortgage life insurance plans provide? Well, normally the plan pays out a cash lump sum that can pay off your outstanding mortgage if you die or are diagnosed with a terminal illness before the end of the plan term. You can also have a plan that covers yourself and your partner. The plan can be set up on a joint life basis where the cash sum is paid out on the first person to die or be diagnosed with a terminal illness while you are covered.
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A mortgage life insurance is easy to have, all you need to do is keep up your monthly payments for the term of your plan. If you don´t keep up your monthly payments, your cover will stop, your plan will end and you will not get any money back.

The amount you will have to pay each month depends on a several things, like the amount of cover you need, the length of time you want your cover to last, your age and sex, whether or not you smoke and your health.
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Most companies that provide mortgage life insurance plans have a website where you can calculate the cost depending on the figures you enter. You can also apply for the insurance online. It might be good to talk to someone about your circumstances and get advice on how to apply.

The insurance plan will stop at the end of the selected term or when the pay out of the cash sum has been done, whichever happens first.
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If you become terminally ill it is great to have a terminal illness benefit included in your insurance. In that case the plan pays out the cash sum if you (or your partner if you choose a joint life plan) are diagnosed with an illness that is expected to cause death within 12 months and before your plan ends.

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About the Author

Keith George always writes about valuable news & reviews.
A related resource is Mortgage Life Insurance
Further information can be found at Trends & News

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Vital Pieces Of Mortgage Loan Modification Advice

Author: Richard Lowe

Who doesn't want to be relieved of paying a high interest rate in a monthly basis? The goal of home mortgage loan modification all about saving money. It is actually an option preferred by several homeowners. You might be asking how much money you can save as you settle with this option. Well, you should understand that it will depend on you. How much savings do you really want to gain? The following insights will open the possibilities on the reduction of your total monthly expenses by refinancing your home.
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Refinancing a Mortgage Defined

Refinancing a mortgage means applying for another loan plan that will pay off your existing debt. As you avail of a new package, you will have to shoulder different terms and conditions. This option is meant to lessen the monthly interest charges that you have to pay for.

Why You Need to Consult an Expert

The mortgage brokers are the experts who specialize in home loans, refinancing loans, home equity loans, mortgage rate computation, and all other types of mortgages. They are the people with whom you can work with if you want to get the best deal out of refinancing your home. They have studied and earned their credibility through the years of serving the homeowners. It is also by consulting an expert that you get to learn the advantages and disadvantages of refinancing, your chances of paying for a lower interest rate, your home's equity and cash out benefits, and many more.
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You should also know the requirements, the qualifications to become eligible for refinancing, and the other types of loans that may fit your needs. Nevertheless, you will be able to save more time and money if you talk to the right person who knows everything about refinancing.

The Benefits to Enjoy with Refinancing

Mortgage refinancing means that you can save thousands of dollars, lessen the tenure of your own mortgage, heighten your cash flow, and offer you the low interest rates, among others. It is your duty to find the right mortgage broker who can advise you with everything that you can benefit from. Take note that an honest mortgage broker will always consider the potentials that will work to your advantage and lead you to the best deals.
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Refinancing as a Money-Saving Opportunity

Generally, a new mortgage will convert your high interest payments into a lower one. This process will then provide you with every opportunity to spend less money on your monthly payments and save more.

Some homeowners decide to shorten the term of their loans. For example, if you refinance your 30-year-mortgage into a 15-year-mortgage, you get to pay lower interest rates. However, you will have to settle a larger monthly bill but the catch is that you are able to save more because you can pay off your debt in a shorter time. On the other hand, some homeowners change the mode of their interest rates from an adjustable rate into a fixed rate loan. Whichever is your choice, you must always be abreast of both the rewards and drawbacks of refinancing your mortgage.
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Furthermore, home mortgage refinance packages let you consolidate your debts so that you don't have to pay for more. The thing is, you allow yourself to save money because instead of paying different interest charges, you simply roll them into one and reduce the amount that you have to settle.

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To find out more about mortgage loan modification
visit Mortgage Loan Modification Help

Thursday, January 20, 2011

3 Advantages of Mortgage Refinance

Author: Natalia Kobseva

Taking a loan at a time when we are in earnest need of one is really very effective at that time. With time our needs keep growing but taking another loan when already there is an existing one is not something any of us would love to do. Mortgage Refinance is therefore that easier root to take a new loan but still keep on paying your old loan. It is very obvious that with time all of our needs keep changing, today I may like a house and buy it. But tomorrow with addition of family members I might require a bigger house. In such cases mortgage refinance is the one and only answer.
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Mortgage refinance for your house

Refinancing mortgage for your house has innumerable benefits. It is very easy to lower the amount you pay every month for your house by applying for a low interest plan. And then again if the price of the plot in which you have your existing house has increased over the years then it becomes all the easier for a lowered rate of monthly pay on mortgage refinancing. It is also very effective and allows you to alter the number of years and the scheme using which the purchase was made. Mortgage refinance thus helps us to save a lot of money as long as it's the matter of our house.
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Adjust your interest by mortgage refinancing.

It is a very easy way to change from FRM to ARM scheme of interest. When we are sure that we are going for a mortgage refinancing then it is the wise way to cut down on our expenditure by just shifting from the fixed rate mortgage to the adjustable rate mortgage. It is when you reach a point in your first loan that you understand the principal amount has been repaid then opting for a new loan on a higher principal compared to the earlier one helps you to get some cash in hand.

Mortgage refinance: the other benefits

Going for a larger value of loan while refinancing not only gives the benefit of quite an amount of cash in hand but it also gives you the freedom to repay back all your left over debts and other loans. It is like starting afresh once again, by clearing out your past dues very easily and concentrating on one loan repayment every month.
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With an uncountable gamut of benefits mortgage refinancing is very effective in changing the whole finance structure in your life. You can just relax and pay off one small loan with no hassles or worries pestering you. Not only this with the simple mortgage refinancing you can also cut down on private mortgage insurance which you have been paying for quite a long time along with your other loans.

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To learn more about mortgage refinance and get free quotes, please visit Mortgage Refinance at:

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Reverse Mortgage Income After Retirement

Author: Golden Years Mortgage Solutions

As you approach retirement age you may want to think about getting a reverse mortgage loan to supplement your retirement income. After going through a long and tiring life filled with hard work, you may look forward to retiring with a stable and steady stream of income and being able to live off it comfortably. For many Americans, this means income derived from retirement plans, Social Security and any investments they may have made during their working lives.
One of the other most popular and widespread ways of supplementing retirement income is to take out a reverse mortgage on your property. There are many banks and reverse mortgage lenders in the market today that provide reverse mortgages, and the market has become very competitive which makes the programs more beneficial for the customer.

We know we should begin planning for retirement early. To ensure you survive retirement comfortably it is best to plan as early as possible. For many, the best way to enhance your retirement plan is through a Reverse Mortgage. A reverse mortgage is quite simply a way to access the equity in your home to provide you tax free income with no monthly payments. Most importantly senior home owners age 62 or above are federally eligible to apply and qualify for reverse mortgage loans after going through a mandatory counseling process.

There are several options for receiving payout from a reverse mortgage. You can receive fixed, monthly payments for a period of time; get a lump-sum payment; open a line of credit that you can draw against; or you can receive some combination of these options. You don't have to stick with a payment option forever. You may be able to change your payment option in the future. The money doesn't have to be paid back to the lender during the lifetime of the borrower. The principal and interest become payable only when the home owner passes away or moves out of the reverse mortgaged property.
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The additional or extra line of income derived from a reverse mortgage can help put seniors at financial ease and enable them to gain confidence about their social position and spending ability in retirement. The money can be used any way they see fit - be it for travel, vacation, medical expenses, education expenses of grand children, home remodeling, anything!

The additional level of available money from a reverse mortgage offers senior home-owners peace of mind and stability so they can live their pre-retirement lifestyles without any fear of cash deficiency.

Reverse mortgage income is not taxable either; for the government considers it inappropriate to tax you on property you already own .Taken in perspective, reverse mortgages are good as an additional line of income for the senior home-owners looking to improve upon their lifestyles with a more money in their pockets. The homeowner doesn't pay a mortgage; instead he receives payment from the lender in exchange for a stake in the value of the home. Check how much you can get from your Reverse Mortgage? We've helped thousand of senior homeowners solve their financial questions, it's time we help you.
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For FREE reverse mortgage counseling, Give us a call. We will be more than happy to answer any questions that you may have. Or if you'd like to find out how money you qualify for and if you're eligible, feel free to give us a call at (800)630-0650.
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Golden Years Mortgage Solutions
Your Money…When You Need It

Tim Jacobs @ Golden Years Mortgage Solutions (800)630-0650 Golden Years Mortgage Solutions is a reverse mortgage approved FHA Lender. We've helped thousands of senior homeowners solve their financial problems. Our agents and brokers collectively have over 60 years of experience in Reverse Mortgage Loans and general financial services, including managers who are industry pioneers with more than 12 years of reverse mortgage experience. Our dedication to providing financial solutions for seniors is evidenced by the number of referrals that come from our existing clients.

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About the Author

Tim Jacobs @ Golden Years Mortgage Solutions (800)630-0650 Golden Years Mortgage Solutions is a reverse mortgage approved FHA Lender. We've helped thousands of senior homeowners solve their financial problems.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Mortgage Cycling And All That It Entails

Author: Sean Tan

Methods to decrease mortgage payments have always existed around us. There have been several methods like pledge loan consolidation, taking a new mortgage loan with a new payment cycle, making fortnightly payments, etc. The latest entrant in this arena is mortgage cycling. This way allows you to make two huge payments in a year, so that you save a lot on the importance and build up equity for your home too. In that manner, cycling for mortgage does seem to be a lucrative way for reducing mortgage payments, and also to make the mortgage end earlier. But, like all mortgage decrease methods, mortgage cycling also has its pros and cons.
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The first advantage of a mortgage cycling process is that it can help you to build a veritable equity on your home. Since you are not making many small payments in short intervals of time, you are able to build up the overall value of your house. This is how it works. When you make menstrual or fortnightly payments, a greater part of the repayment you make specially month is taken or the interest part of your mortgage and you are paying off very little on the actual principal amount of the mortgage. As a result, your important does not go on decreasing as it should.

But when you make only two lump all payments in the year, you are paying off a large chunk of the significant amount. That frees up more interest on your home for you, in terms of equity.
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One distinct problem of this method is that the person may not be able to make up enough amounts to pay on a six-yearly basis. If the payments are not made within the assigned timeframes, then the consequences could be drastic. The borrower might have to forfeit the home itself, as well as any equity that he or she has earned on it. That is the cause why only people who are sure of their annual income, and are sure that they will be able to keep up with the large payments that will come in twice a year must go ahead with the mortgage cycling process.

At the same time, there is a way out of this problem. If a person is not able to arrange the finances needful for making the payments on the mortgage, then there is a possibility of taking a home equity loan. The home equity loan would be of a considerable amount, because of the good amount of equity built up. This amount could be used to make the payment, and then the same equity could be repaid within the next six months. In this way, the borrower will be able to conduct the mortgage through an impartiality loan.
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There are both pluses and minuses to the mortgage cycling process. If you are sure of your financial capabilities for the year, and if you are sure that you will be able to free up a good quantity to pay for the two big installments in the year, then it makes sense to go in for this plan and to finish your mortgage faster, paying less on it than your ordinarily would have had to.

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About the Author

Sean is an expert at real estate, and one of the features of his professions is to make people understand how to save on their mortgage payments. He has studying the Mortgage Cycling process in detail. He recommends this to people he knows. Find out more about it at the following link:

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Commercial Mortage Brokers

Author: Alina

Oxford Funding – A Commercial Mortgage Broker With Multiple Financing Options

Finding the right mortgage broker is not easy. You need to get a commercial mortgage broker with the right mix of professionalism, expertise and service. At Oxford Funding, we have been in the business for the past twelve years and have many satisfied customers who keep returning whenever they have a new requirement.

Our approach to finance and funding is something that our clients appreciate. We offer expert advice on selecting the right kind of funding or mortgage option in the UK . We have clients all over the UK and have provided them with unbiased service as their commercial mortgage broker.
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Our team of professionals has many years of experience in the industry and since we work as your mortgage broker, you gain the advantages of our knowledge. Many of us have also had the experience of running our own businesses and you will agree that there's nothing like hands-on experience. This is what gives us an edge as your commercial mortgage broker.

Call our specialist brokers in these packages, Glin or Peter on 01242 226662.

We offer a wide portfolio of services from commercial mortgages to corporate finance and provide access to a huge network of lenders. Our services as a commercial mortgage broker can be availed by all types of businesses from sole traders to PLCs and private individuals.
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We make it a priority to source you the funds at the best rates possible – that's the primary benefit of coming to a mortgage broker. You'll find us cheaper and more efficient than most other options. We provide commercial and other kinds of mortgage from £1000 to £1,000,000 but also deal above and below these figures.

When you want to secure a mortgage against your commercial property and use this to fund your business, we will work as your commercial mortgage broker and help you design and identify the mortgage that would suit your financial situation.
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Taking out a commercial mortgage with us is usually far cheaper than what you would get in the general market. We act as your commercial mortgage broker to structure your loans in such a way that you get both short and long term benefits.

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Monday, January 3, 2011

Loan Modification---america’s Solution to Mortgage Problems Among Hispanic Minorities

Author: Jennifer Franco

According to economist, Edward Wolff, US minorities will experience the shattering blow of foreclosure this year. Homeownership for blacks and Hispanics in the US is plummeting down to an alarming rate. The high interest rates and mortgage payments are primary factors that interplay in painting this bleak economic picture. In Rhode Islands alone, 50% of Hispanic homeowners are spending 38% of their overall monthly income on home loan payments.

Although there was a significant hike in the home ownership and rate among Hispanic minorities in the early 90’s, a closer look at the situation will show a double-edge sword effect. During the controversial housing boom in the US, many Latino families were offered home loans without any requirement of turning in income reports, but were charged of higher interest rates. In the process, these minorities are getting unfavorable mortgage deals that easily bring them to foreclosure. This miserable cycle involving home ownership and loss has been continuing for many years. Moreover, the mortgage crisis already in its highest peak this year is going to make matters worst.
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In the past months, foreclosure cases n America has already reached a staggering rate of more than 700,000. Most of the homes that suffered this ownership backlash and pullout were owned by Hispanic minorities. One mortgage project projected by experts to solve and cap this problem is loan modification.

The Obama administration is not taking this issue lightly. The newly appointed US President has already made sweeping efforts in the hopes of stabilizing the shattering mortgage problems in the country by allocating $100 billion for this cause. Part of this course of action is the clamor to borrowers to try other options to settle their debts.
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Since loan modification ends in lower interest rates and reduced monthly payments within an extended loan term, minorities in the pits of debt will be given another option to make the payment. This is foreseen by economists and financial experts as the best way to save home ownership. There are a hefty number of loan consultancy groups and companies that are willing to process the loan. If negotiations with the lender end in success, the borrower will finally reap and experience easement in catching up with loan payments.

With loan modification, solving the mortgage predicament will be made easier. Experts who advocate refinancing agree that modifying loans might just be the panacea for the foreclosure woes many Hispanic minorities in America are suffering from.
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About the Author

Jennifer Franco is a creative writer, teacher and freelance language editor. She writes about a wide array of topics including art, culture, entertainment, cars and loan modification.
You may call 1.888.864.1663 for more questions about loan modification.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Importance of Mortgage and Refinance

Author: webmaster home

The mortgage is a security for the loan for new investment while refinance is reinvestment or repairing of the present condition of the previous investment structure. Mortgage is the security that lender of mortgage makes to the borrower of mortgage. Mortgage in itself is not a debt. It is only a transfer of interest in property to lender as a security for debt, usually a loan of money. So sometimes it refers as lender's security for his debt. This interest transfers from owner to the mortgage lender but there are some the conditions and regulations for this interest that will be returned to the owner of the real estate at the end of its maturity. The term comes from the Old French "dead pledge," apparently meaning that the pledge ends (dies) either when the obligation is fulfilled or the property is taken through foreclosure or by obtaining court order.
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That’s why mortgage have two components, Mortgage deeds, Deeds of trust.

Mortgage deeds;

This is the first step for mortgage in which lienee convince the lienor for mortgage or loan. The success of this step totally depends upon lienee that how he performed his duty.

Deeds of trust;

This step is commonly used to secure repayments of debts. So they are used to create trusts for other purposes.

Procedure of mortgage creates a lien on the title to the mortgaged property. Lien is used for security interest that is granted over a specific property item in order to secure the payment of debt or payment of some other obligations. The person who grants the lien is known as lienor, he is always the owner of property. The person who gets the benefits of lien is called lienee. But lien almost requires a judicial proceeding for declaring the debt to be due and in default or ordering a sale of the property to pay the debt. There are different laws for lien and they vary from country to country. In United States and UK the term lien generally refers to a wide range of encumbrances (a legal term of art that limits and effects the property) and would include other forms of mortgage or charge. In U.S. a lien characteristically refers to non possessory security interests. In 3rd world or common law countries the term lien has concept as a very specific type of security interest, having passive and strict rules to retain but not sell the property until the debt or other obligation is payed. These liens are usually applied on home loans, mortgage, car loans, security interests and chattel mortgage.

Lienee’s role is very important in the economy. They feed back almost all sectors of the state. They fulfil the financial needs of the business sectors, agri sector and some time government sector of the economy. Now for the success and independency of the economy, it is very necessary to promote the financial sectors and financial services provided by private and government sectors.
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For each economy, mortgages are provided for two purposes.

Mortgage Loan.

Commercial Mortgage

Mortgage loan is used for residential mortgage lending for example; Refinance home, Home Loans, Home equity Loan, Home Improvement Loan, etc. While the later is used for lending against commercial property like, agri loans, establishing office for relevant business, starting new business and hiring other equipments like labor and purchasing new machines and technology for the improvement of personal business.

It is common for home purchases by mortgage in every country. Generally speaking, very few persons have sufficient or adequate savings or resources to enable them to purchase home outright. In countries where the demand for home ownership is on the highest peak, strong domestic markets have developed. But it is very important for the lienor of mortgage loans that are available, especially for the residential purposes, how he/she can fully utilize them and how they can secure themselves. For this purpose many but not enough information are provided to the customer of loan specially home loans and home refinance loans by the relevant financial sector. Some times customer feels difficulty in understanding their rules, regulations and payment rules and interest rates at which they have to make payments to the lienee. Complete awareness about the rules is the first right of the customer.
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